Lessons for June 2021

This month on frontendmasters.com, I went through Web Performance Fundamentals, Complete Intro to React v6, and Intermediate React v3.

Though I didn't write a full post about it, I also skimmed through Design Systems with React & Storybook. I didn't find this one particularly as helpful as what I would've liked. Same for React and TypeScript.

For TypeScript in particular, what I have found that I liked is No BS TS - which is a Youtube.com playlist delivered by Jack Herrington. I'm cautious about so many Youtube development trainers, but I really like Jack's approach, and I'm looking forward to finishing out the series.

Another TypeScript training site I found is https://typescript-exercises.github.io/ - which provides step by step drills to complete. It includes a link to some documentation to help you know how to approach the problem, and a helpful way to reveal a potential solution in case you get stuck. I'd love to go through a hundred more of those.

My goal is to continue through Jack Herrington's No BS TS course, and I'd also like to flesh out some basic API's to play with. Still on my list is doing some Cypress work as well.

June 30, 2021🏷reactyoutubefrontendmasterTypeScript