Kickstarting 2021 with Learning

2020 stunk but provided a nice swift kick to start blogging again about things I'm learning. What better way to start than by rebuilding the site (this time with Nextjs). I had redone my side projects last year by ditching Wordpress in favor of Gatsby and Netlify, and I'm pleased with how that's turned out.

I want to keep learning and have a few ideas on my plate:

  1. I started Wes Bos's Advanced React course in early February, and my goal for the next two weeks is to complete the course. [Edit: April 2021 - still not done, and neither is Wes done with recording all the parts to his series]
  2. Go through Storybooks tutorials [Edit: April 2021 - Not started]
  3. Go through Cypress tutorials [Edit: April 2021 - Not there yet.]
  4. Also considering watching Harvard's CS50 course online, and going through 'leetcode' exercises. [Edit: April 2021 - CS50 is a pretty cool series, but leetcode exercises are kind of meh compared to building real things]

I keep find myself revisiting lots of basics and trying to do drills. I'll poke a few things and see what sticks, but finishing the Wes Bos course is top of the list.

March 22, 2021🏷cs50