Articles for April 2021

I learned about 'semantic HTML' and how to best use CSS in a formative time for myself and the languages, too. Voracious reading of specific blogs were part of that, and one such name from that time is Jonathan Snook from I recently decided to look at what he's been up to, and found the article called Why Did I Have Difficulty Learning React?. I relate to that, and felt much more assured that someone else I admire is/was going through something similar to myself. I'm glad to see him talk about it. I read that I realized I'm not alone in the continuous learning struggle (May we never stop learning!), but it's also strange/refreshing to see people blog about what they don't know vs what cool new trick to try.

Sort of like when Dan Abramov wrote Things I Don't Know as of 2018.

I also needed a reminder that not all work and progress is a delightful experience, and to Embrace the Grind. I've seen my leadership do some extraordinary things that, in hindsight, just meant they locked themselves in a room for a couple of hours and grinded on something that nobody wanted to do in the first place.

April 24, 2021🏷reading